NSC releases sequester analysis.

August 16, 2012

On August 16, National Skills Coalition released an issue brief detailing the impact of the sequester on federal workforce development programs.

Some highlights from NSC’s analysis:

  • Under sequestration, WIA Title I programs would be forced to turn away nearly 400,000 adults, youth and dislocated workers.
  • Adult Basic Education programs, which already have a waiting list of more than 160,000 people nationwide, would serve 66,000 fewer learners.
  • Career and Technical Education programs, which help lower the dropout rate for at-risk youth, would serve 1 million fewer students.
  • Despite a persistently high unemployment rate for individuals with disabilities, the sequester would force Vocational Rehabilitation programs to serve almost 78,000 fewer disabled individuals.
  • Although the number of people served by the Wagner-Peyser Employment Services (ES) increased by more than 4 million people between 2008 and 2011, under sequestration approximately 1.2 million fewer jobseekers will be served by ES.

National Skills Coalition has joined with nearly 3,000 other national organizations in an effort to urge policymakers to adopt a “balanced approach to deficit reduction that does not include further cuts to NDD programs.” For more information about sequestration and the NDD community’s efforts, read the NDD letter to Congress.